Trams Crystal Reports


ClientBase v 4.00 Dashboard Reports

The following files are reports that can be downloaded and run in ClientBase Windows.
These reports are only accessed by the ClientBase Dashboard if they are stored in the
C :\ProgramData\TRAMS\ClientBase\DashReports folder of the computer running the reports.

These Dashboard Reports also contains Pacing Dashboards. When properly used, ClientBase Res Cards holds all the data regarding when all Bookings (confirmed reservations) were made for leisure travel within an agency which will result in revenue to the agency at some future date. Pacing Dashboards are designed to give you a snapshot of how well your Bookings are doing as of today vs. the same time last year for comparable travel periods.

ClientBase v 4.00 Dashboard Reports

ClientBase v. 4.00 DashBoard Reports Zip File

Additional ClientBase Trams Crystal Reports

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