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About ClientBase Marketing Services (CBMS)

ClientBase Marketing Services is the best targeted marketing program in the travel industry today. Utilizing the latest technology, the CBMS program focuses on customer relationship management (CRM) for integrated promotions. Each agency in the CBMS program is guided by a professional Marketing Manager to help segment their database and select the supplier promotional content that they want to sell. Together with ClientBase, CBMS agencies take advantage of the power of segmentation, and complete reporting.

Targeted Marketing

Thousands of agencies are using ClientBase to build robust client profiles with email addresses, travel history and travel preferences. Agencies using ClientBase are able to participate in CBMS -- enabling them to send promotions that their clients want to receive from them, and track the success of each campaign quickly and easily from their ClientBase software.

More Suppliers and Content

CBMS has partnered with Passport, Inc. to supply our subscribers with access to content from over 100 suppliers. CBMS agencies work closely with their Marketing Managers to choose the suppliers that they want to sell, and everything from there is completely turnkey.

Agency Branding

All CBMS promotions are personalized with the agency's logo and contact information, allowing agencies to increase brand awareness, and stay at the top of mind with their clients.

Completely Turnkey

Once a CBMS agency has chosen their suppliers, a marketing calendar is generated for the agency. Promotions published by the suppliers of their choosing are automatically sent on the agency's behalf along with a preview copy for the agency. Plus, our technology also enables open rates and click throughs to be tracked! When a customer receives a promotion, opens a promotion, or clicks on a promotion, a mailer tag is added to the client's profile automatically in ClientBase! It doesn't get easier than that!

Marketing Managers

After subscribing to CBMS through a Sales Representative, we provide every agency with a professional Marketing Manager to guide each agency through every step in the process. The Marketing Manager is knowledgeable about supplier content, database qualification and segmentation, and ClientBase reports, so that each agency can measure their results. Click here to see a list of our Sales Reps and Marketing Managers.

Sophisticated Technology

No other program, can integrate with the ClientBase database, and offer the power of targeting and reporting like CBMS. In addition to the automation of mailer tags, many great things take place behind the scenes to assure the quality of each campaign. CBMS adheres to CAN-SPAM and Seller of Travel Requirements, while also testing each promotion to make sure it ends up in the consumer's inbox, and not the spam box.

Measurable Results

In times like these, it is important to measure the return on any investment. Because each CBMS agency is also a ClientBase subscriber, they have access to many reports that save time and track each promotion's effectiveness -- making CBMS the best targeted marketing program with measurable results!

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about ClientBase or CBMS from your Sales Rep!

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